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·边墙史料书库 .. 阿伦主编

 长城文献资料库 分类浏览:学科 地域 发表时间 年代 作者 期刊 排行 最新评论 最新更新



作  者:王晗
     Wang, Han
出  处:《干旱地区农业研究》 2006,24(3)
文  摘:
Qing Dynasty;outside of the Great Wall in the north of Shaanxi; reclamation land; spatial-temporal characteristics; Jinjitan


Based on numerable and valuable historical documents,spatial and temporal characteristics of land reclamation in Huo PanDi at the outside of the Great Wall in the North of Shaanxi in the Qing Dynasty were analyzed in this paper.The results are as following:① four stages of the land reclamation in HuoPanDi at the outside of the Great Wall in the north of Shaanxi in the Qing Dynasty were identified,i.e.,the stage of desolation in the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty,the stage of recultivation from the 36th year of Kangxi Emperor to the 6th year of Qianlong Emperor,the stage of expanding reclamation from the 7th year of Qianlong Emperor to the 28th of Guangxu Emperor,and the stage of desolation from the 28th year of Guangxu Emperor to the end of Xuantong Emperor.The arable lands were reclaimed up and more and more people beginned to live by the later stage of Kangxi emperor.The interdiction during the time of the next emperors(Qianlong,Jiaqing,Daoguang,Xianfeng,Tongzhi and Guangxu) kept on enlarging the farmland and brought it to the“peak”level in the reign of Daoguang and Guangxu emperors. ②The land reclamation is spatially imbalanced due to environmental differences. In the early stage, the recultivation concent rated in the meadow areas. In the mid-stage, the reclamation expanded in meadow and tibba areas. In later stage, the reclamation activities moved back to tibba. As the spatial characteristics, the meadow areas with better natural conditions had a low ratio of desolation, a high ratio of recultivation and a quick process of recultivation. The tibba areas had a high ratio of desolation and the intensity of reclamation there was much high.
关 键 词:清代 陕北长城外伙盘地 土地垦殖 时空特征 金鸡滩乡
正  文:
  土地垦殖是人们改变土地利用和土地覆被状况最主要的方式。深入细致地分析清代或过去数百年土地利用与土地覆被变化状况对认识今天的环境问题非常重要[1~2 ] 。清代史籍,尤其是方志资料中能够反映出土地利用/ 土地覆被的信息庞杂,提取可靠的数据 ……


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